Transact Credit Union Corporation is currently reviewing its position in relation to the RBA’s decision on 6 September to increase the Official Cash Rate. We'll make an announcement here as soon as we finalise our decision.
Are you nursing a bit of a hangover from all the costs of Christmas? By saving for next Christmas now you could help ease the pressure when it comes to all of the costs that come with the festive season.
If you were one of the many people caught up in conversation just months ago saying, “I can’t believe how quickly the year has gone,” and “Can you believe it’s Christmas already?” then you’ll know all too well how soon the festive season and the costs involved can creep up on you after a big year of spending.
Saving money for Christmas now might sound tough, especially if you’re nursing a financial hangover from the months just gone. However, if you were to put away just $20 a week over the year you’ll end up with $1,000 to spend over Christmas. That’s $1,000 less to put on your credit card and $1,000 less to have to think about after the festivities are over. Here's 3 ways you can start saving for next Christmas now:
Help keep your savings from being spent by opening a specific savings account such as the Transact Credit Union Christmas Club account, where you save during the year and only have access to the funds during the festive season.
If there are particular items you know you’ll want to purchase for people, start shopping now. Take advantage of mid-season sales and the popular end of financial year sales.
Saving money over the year can be easy if you realise where you’re spending the extra money. Check out this infographic on how to save almost $20,000 a year without trying. Why not try one or two of the saving tips and put that money into your Transact Credit Union Christmas Club account. You might surprise yourself come next Christmas!